Publications and Presentations


The Learning Commons

Western CEDAR, 2016

Citation: Thibou, S. (2016) The learning commons. In R. Marrall, & J. Oleen (Eds.), The Research Process:
  Strategies for Undergraduate Students (pp. 1-6). Retrieved from Western CEDAR

Co-Inquiry with Students: ...

Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 2016

Citation: Werder, C., Thibou, S., Simkins, S., Hornsby, K., Legg, K., & Franklin, T. (2016). Co-inquiry with students:
  When shared questions lead the way. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 4(2), 21-35.

Students as co-inquirers: ...

Journal of Faculty Development, 2012

Citation: Werder, C., Thibou, S., & Kaufer, B. (2012). Students as co-inquirers: A requisite threshold concept in
  educational development. Journal of Faculty Development, 26(3), 34-38.


International Stories of Student-Faculty/Staff Collaboration and Engagement

International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Conference
Los Angeles, California

Co-presented on the roles of students, faculty, and staff engaged in the scholarship of teaching and learning community. As the faculty co-chair of the Students as Co-inquirers SIG, this presentation included sharing the vision of that specific community and ways in which faculty and students internationally can participate as active like-minded scholars.

Academic Literacies: Integrating Research and Writing into a Workshop Series

Brick & Click Libraries: An Academic Library Conference
Maryville, Missouri

The academic library is an ideal location for establishing and promoting student-centered spaces that influence collaboration and innovation; however, there are obstacles that come into play when several programs within a learning commons and library work together to meet the needs of students and faculty. This presentation highlighted ways in which academic libraries and student success programs can better integrate their teaching and learning efforts in support of research and writing.

Engaging Students as Co-Inquirers in SoTL: Diverse Perspectives from Around the Globe

International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Conference
Quebec, Canada

This presentation highlighted an upcoming article focused on engaging students as co-inquirers based on personal research and a developed heuristic model. Segments of the article were highlighted, as well as a brief explanation of how specific partnerships better the learning community within post-secondary institutions.

Effective Evaluations: Essential Steps in Evaluating Your Program


Invited to develop and facilitate annual workshops for Whatcom Community College’s Programming and Diversity Board. These workshops covered the essential steps for developing and analyzing evaluations, and creating effective learning outcomes.

Facing Change by Engaging Faces in the Learning Commons

Nakama: A Circle of Friends
Bellingham, Washington

This session provided a space for structured informality in which Western Washington University faculty and staff could converse in response to questions about the emergent Learning Commons at Western. The presentation was followed by a dialogue with participants about how to strengthen the Learning Commons as a space that engages all members of the Western community and beyond.

Writing for Academic Publishing


Developed the curriculum and co-facilitated an eight-week professional development workshop at Western Washington University for faculty and staff interested in publishing.

Transforming Teaching & Learning Cooperatives: From Collaboration to Co-inquiry

International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Conference
Raleigh, North Carolina

This presentation provided a heuristic model for considering the distinction between co-location, collaboration, and co-inquiry as they relate to partnering relationships within the classroom and elsewhere.

Integrating Student Voices: Evidence of Changing Attitudes that Change Practices

International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Conference
Ontario, Canada

Presented evidence based research on the effects of attitude after student and faculty participation in learning communities.

Engaging Students in Research on Teaching and Learning

Douglas College
New Westminster, Canada

With special invitation, co-facilitated a full day workshop for faculty and students at Douglas College, New Westminster, Canada. Co-led a professional development session on how an organization can create opportunities for students to participate as partners in research on teaching and learning to enhance engagement and foster a collaborative learning culture.

Whatcom Civil Rights Project: A Community/Student/Faculty Partnership

Festival of Scholarship: Celebrating Collaborative Inquiry
Bellingham, WA

This presentation was an exploration of the Whatcom Civil Rights Project, a dynamic collaboration of students, attorneys, and graduates of pre-law. The collaborative inquiry is a repeated examination of the question “what are civil rights and how might they be enforced?”