Teaching Experience

Teaching Experience

Library 205: Co-Inquiry On Learning

This course examines the relationship between multiple academic literacies: research, writing, speaking, and listening. Together we will explore the value of dialogue as a form of research. The primary goal is to determine the connection between research on learning through sustained discourse.

Syllabus Example

Library 340: Speaking-Listening Practicum

Through participation in Western's Teaching-Learning Academy, students gain and apply concepts and strategies for facilitating civil discourse in an academic setting. Informed by reading selected articles on the nature of civil discourse, practicum students facilitate small dialogue groups and do midterm and final reflective commentaries on what they have learned about speaking and listening in an academic context regarding teaching and learning issues. With approval from the instructor, practicum students may choose to earn additional practicum credit by participating in follow-up TLA-related projects. Repeatable up to 12 credits including original course.
S/U grading.

AHE 375: Diversity in Higher Education

An introduction to the study of diversity issues within the context of services and programs in higher education. Emphasis on the relationship between growth in diversity of students and the range and complexity of services and programs designed to ensure their academic and personal success.

Syllabus Example
Literature Review Example

AHE 554: Foundations of Adult Education and Diversity

This course is an introduction to the understanding of adult education as a discipline and a field. Topics include the scope, structure, philosophy, history, and issues related to diversity as well as other current factors influencing the practice of adult education.

Syllabus Example

AHE 555: Foundations of Higher Education and Diversity

This course will introduce students to research, theory, policy and practice related to diversity topics in the field of higher education and encourage students to develop their own understandings of historical and contemporary issues.

AHE 576: Leadership and Management Education Programs

A study of contemporary theories of leadership and their application in private, public and nonprofit agencies.

AHE 579: Power, Politics, and Policies

This course is designed to give an overview of the dynamic between power, politics and policies in adult education institutions and organizations.

AHE 580: Teaching and Instructional Design

Study and practice in teaching methodologies and assessments for adult and higher education settings. Special emphasis on facilitating student learning and applied classroom practice.

AHE 592: Field Experience

Field-based project is an aspect of adult and higher education to enhance theory/practice integration such as: teaching, leadership, project development, curriculum development and distance education design.
S/U grading.